member of the Jury

Vincent Kucholl

«Thanks to the Swiss Capital of Culture label, La Chaux-de-Fonds (and then other towns after it) will be able to shine for a year, while giving cultural players a formidable platform for creation and exchange.

It's a pleasure and an honour to be part of this initiative, which builds bridges between different parts of the country and contributes to national cohesion.»


Vincent Kucholl holds a BA and DEA in political science from the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva, as well as a diploma from the Serge Martin Theatre School. He is also the author of Institutions politiques suisses and Economie suisse, part of the same collection. In 2011, together with Vincent Veillon, he created the filmed radio chronicle 120 secondes, on Couleur 3, followed by the television programmes 26 minutes, in 2015, 120 minutes, in 2018, and 52 minutes, in 2020, on RTS1.



* translated from French
Photo: © Anne Sophie & Benoît de Rous –